LEGATO RepliStor uses patented, asynchronous, real-time data replication to make it easy to make more than one copy of production Windows data, across LAN and WAN environments.
RepliStor has no limitations on the number of copies of data, and no limitations on the distance between Windows servers. Any data written to disk by the server can be captured and replicated by LEGATO RepliStor to one or more secondary disks, for any Windows application. This is useful for many business purposes including:
Consolidated Backup: RepliStor enables the consolidation of Windows data, from multiple disks or locations to one, to enable offline tape backup and recovery protection of that data
Branch Office Data Consolidation: There is a new way to protect critical branch data - Extend your corporate data protection strategy to include securing branch office data all while reducing costs and complexity. - Learn about the integrated solution offerings from LEGATO, EMC and Microsoft designed to support branch office data consolidation and data protection.
Data Distribution: RepliStor enables the publication of Windows data, from a single master copy to multiple secondary disks or locations, such as for web content publication across a distributed web farm
Database Consistency: RepliStor's write order preservation capability maintains database consistency. Whether you are looking to replicate your critical email or database application for consolidated backup, disaster recovery or content publication across your enterprise, you can be confident that RepliStor will get your data where you need it with the utmost integrity.
Disaster Recovery: RepliStor delivers disaster recovery protection of Windows data and systems by replication this data to a secondary site for recovery
RepliStor for XtenderSolutions: RepliStor extends disaster recovery and rapid data recovery to your content management solution by protecting ApplicationXtender
RepliStor for Windows Storage Server: RepliStor for Windows Storage Server ensures that data stored on a NAS device is constantly available through power outages, fires, and other types of failures and disasters
RepliStor has successfully achieved certification on Microsoft Windows 2000 Server, Advanced Server and Data Center Server. RepliStor is also the first replication solution to achieve Windows 2003 certification. This rigorous independent testing has validated LEGATO RepliStor's high performance and scalability on servers with up to 32 processors. This stringent series of activities is Microsoft's official sanction that LEGATO RepliStor will perform reliably and efficiently in all of the Microsoft Windows environments.