Forms Processing


Automatically Process Healthcare Forms
with AnyDoc™CLAIM™

Looking for a solutions to eliminate manual data entry from the thousands of pages of health claims (HCFA 1500, UB92, Dental Claims) that hit your company each day? Looking for a fast, inexpensive and accurate solution? Look no further than AnyDoc Software’s AnyDoc™CLAIM™.

Health claims processing poses special challenges. In no industry is the collection of documents and data more critical; nowhere is it more difficult and nowhere is it more expensive.

With AnyDocCLAIM, you are able to feed your adjudication system with accurate information and turn your claims around within hours instead of days, saving you both time and money.

Benefits associated with processing healthcare forms using AnyDocCLAIM:

  • Improves Data Accuracy
  • Balances Data
  • Improves Print Quality
  • Identifies Claims/Handles Multiple Page Forms And Those With Attachments
  • Facilitates Processing Flow
  • National Standard Format (NSF) Files
  • Configurable ASCII Output


For more information please contact us.

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Updated November 09, 2005